J. Adam Beckman

J. Adam Beckman

The Law Offices of Brandon R. Ceglian
  • Criminal Law, Divorce, Landlord Tenant ...
  • Colorado
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
University of Akron
J.D. (2005) | Juris Doctorate
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University of Rochester
B.A. (2001) | Political Science
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Professional Experience
The Law Offices of Brandon R. Ceglian
- Current
The Law Firm of Dennis A. Lacerte
Deputy District Attorney
10th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Professional Associations
Colorado State Bar  # 36919
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Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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10th Circuit
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  • Credit Cards Accepted
Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
Landlord Tenant
Evictions, Housing Discrimination, Landlord Rights, Rent Control, Tenants' Rights
Juvenile Law
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, Victims Rights , Victims Rights
Family Law
Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law
Business Law
Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Finance, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
White Collar Crime
Legal Answers
Q. Is it ok for my wife to leave town with the kids and not tell the father even though we are livivng together?
A: When a divorce is filed the court enters a temporary injunction restraining either parent from leaving the state of Colorado with the children. From you question you don't indicate whether or not a divorce has been filed and served on your wife. If no divorce has been filed and served then either party is free to leave anytime as there are no court orders restricting either parties right to travel. It would be advisable to speak with an attorney about this issue, if she did leave the state of Colorado, complex jurisdiction statutes come into play about specific time frames regarding where a divorce can be filed, and whether or not Colorado still has jurisdiction.
Q. What is "parenting time" in Colorado and is there a standard schedule for it?
A: In Colorado Parental Responsibilities are split into two pieces; parenting time and decision making. Parenting time is exactly what it sounds like it is the court ordered time a parent spends with the child. Decision making deals with who will make the major decisions in a child's life such as school, major medical, and religion. There is no standard parenting schedule in Colorado, parenting time is to be decided in regards to the best interest of the child in which the court will weigh 14 factors in determining a parenting schedule for each parent if the parents cannot agree on a schedule for the child.
Q. In a misdemeanor menacing charge is the testimony of the witness enough evidence to convict?
A: There are two flavors of menacing in Colorado, misdemeanor, and Felony. Both require that the Defendant place the alleged victim in fear of imminent serious bodily injury, and only becomes a felony if the defendant uses a weapon real or simulated weapon to cause fear of serious bodily injury. When you indicate in your question would the testimony of one witness be enough to convict, I assume you mean the alleged victim of the menacing charge. The standard in any criminal case, is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecution were able to secure the alleged victim for trial and they testified to the elements of the crime of menacing, yes the prosecution would be able to present to the jury a prima facia case for Menacing. However, is that proof beyond a reasonable doubt for a jury to convict? Many other factors must be considered by a skilled criminal defense attorney, does the alleged victim's story have any corroboration? Was the witness credible? A criminal defense attorney will help you navigate this complex situation. ... Read More
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Contact & Map
26 West Dry Creek Circle, Suite 600
Littleton, CO 80120
Telephone: (720) 899-3489