Katherine Goodman

Katherine Goodman

Merkel & Conner
  • Business Law, Real Estate Law
  • Oregon
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A

A native of Minnesota, she attended law school in Indiana where she held a clerkship with the Marshall Superior Court in Plymouth, Indiana. Heading west on the Oregon Trail, she earned a masters in law degree from Lewis & Clark College of Law in Portland before starting to practice law in Oregon.

Lewis & Clark Law School
LL.M. (2018) | Animal Law
Lewis & Clark Law School Logo
Valparaiso University
J.D. (2016) | Law
Valparaiso University Logo
Bethel University & Seminary
B.S. (2011) | Biology
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Bethel University & Seminary
B.A. (2011) | Environmental Studies
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Professional Experience
Associate Attorney
Merkel & Conner
- Current
McEwen Gisvold LLP
Associate Attorney
Stevens & Legal
Senior Associate Attorney
Senft Legal
Governmental Relations Extern
Judicial Clerk
Marshall County Courthouse
Professional Associations
Oregon State Bar  # 181303
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Oregon State Bar Association
- Current
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Multnomah Bar Assocation
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
Oregon State Bar
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Practice Areas
Business Law
Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
Real Estate Law
Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
  • English: Spoken, Written
  • Spanish: Written
Legal Answers
Q. I was locked out of my home by my landlord in Florence for 6 weeks now I'm living in my car and it's awful help!
A: Without more facts, seeing a copy of your lease agreement, and understanding more about your situation it is difficult to determine if you have a claim for monetary damages against your landlord for ouster. If you have not spoken with a local landlord tenant attorney about your potential claim of ouster against your landlord, you should do so. If you need assistant if finding housing you can call or contact 2-1-1 for your county or CAC for your county.
Q. My HOA is placing a large assessment on my home, and will not show me where my money was spent
A: There is no question for any attorney to answer on this platform.
Q. Can a landlord evict a tenant for "repairs due to the house being unsafe until finished" even when it's safe?
A: Short answer to your question is yes. Your landlord can serve a tenant who has a month to month tenancy with a notice of termination with the reason that your landlord intends to undertake repairs or renovations to the dwelling unit within a reasonable time and the premises is unsafe or unfit for occupancy; or the dwelling unit will be unsafe or unfit for occupancy during the repairs or renovations. The notice must give 90 days plus 3 days for first class mailing. However, if you believe that the notice or repairs or renovations do not meet the requirements as stated with Oregon law, you should consult with a local landlord attorney to discuss your potential options if any.

Good luck.
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Contact & Map
McEwen Gisvold LLP
1100 SW 6th Avenue
Suite 1600
Portland, OR 97204
Telephone: (503) 412-3513