King & Spalding
Abigail Nadine Bortnick
Business, Health Care and Insurance Defense
Adam Gerard Sowatzka
Environmental and Personal Injury
Alan Jeffery Prince
Business and Energy
Alison Lee Van Lear
Business, Health Care and International
Amy Lee Madigan
Criminal, Family and Health Care
Amy Miller Hollis
Construction and Energy
Amy Roebuck Frey
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Environmental and Personal Injury
Andrea Pacelli
Administrative, Energy and IP
Andrew Chapman Hruska
Antitrust, Health Care and Securities
Andrew Millar Metcalf
Business, Energy and International
Angela Lucas Batterson
Business and Energy
Ann M Cook
Antitrust, Health Care and Securities
Ann Marie Hart
Antitrust and Health Care
Anne Kelly
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Anne Marie Carter
Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Ansley Tillman Allison
Administrative, Criminal and Health Care
Anthony Rothermel
Business, Energy and Health Care
Arthur Charles Fahlbusch Jr
Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Barry Neil Seidel
Bankruptcy, Business and Energy
Benjamin Easterlin IV
Appeals, Business and Estate Planning
Bonnie Byers
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Bradley Pratt
Appeals, Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Brandy Owens Domengeaux
Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Brent Sandlin Gilfedder
Antitrust, Business and Real Estate
Brian Avery White
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Energy and International
Brian Meiners
Antitrust, Energy and Health Care
Brooke Ashley Baires-Irvin
Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Bruce Hurley
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Energy and Environmental
Carol Margaret Wood
Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
Carolyn Hilgers
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Catherine Marcene O'Neil
Antitrust, Business and Health Care
Charles Brent Cordell
Criminal, Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Charles Christian Correll Jr
Antitrust, Arbitration & Mediation, Business and Construction
Charles Morris Strickland
Criminal, Environmental, Municipal and Real Estate
Charles Tisdale
Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
Cheryl Sabnis
Business, Employment, IP and Personal Injury
Chesley McLeod
Business and Health Care
Chilton Varner
Appeals, Business, Energy and Health Care
Chris Jackson
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Christopher Cloutier
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Christopher Cullom Burris
Administrative, Appeals, Business and Criminal
Christopher Prince
Administrative, Arbitration & Mediation, Construction and Energy
Christopher Puckett
Business and Health Care
Christopher Wray
Appeals and Health Care
Clark William Lackert
Arbitration & Mediation, Energy and IP
Constance Fore Dotzenrod
Business, Health Care and Tax
Courtney Elizabeth Hawkins
Business, Employment, Energy and IP
Craig Joseph Ledet
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Construction and Employment
Craig Matney
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Cynthia Ann Duncan
Energy, Estate Planning and Tax
Dan Shamus McDevitt
Appeals, Business and Securities
Dan Willoughby Jr
Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Daniel Carl Miller
Communications, Energy and IP
Daniel Francis Donovan
Administrative and Health Care
Daniel Hickey
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Daniel James King
Administrative, Arbitration & Mediation, Business and Energy
Daniel Robert Rogers
Bankruptcy, Business, Energy and Environmental
Daniel Schneiderman
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Darren Anthony Shuler
Employment, Health Care and IP
David Albert
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
David Duncan Maysilles
Environmental and Personal Injury
David Harper Weiss
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Energy and International
David Norden
Environmental, Health Care, Personal Injury and Products Liability
David Scott Moreland
Appeals, Business, Communications and Energy
Deborah Lynn Kremer
Business, IP, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Derek John Hardesty
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Diane Marie Janulis
Family, Health Care, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Donald Scott Kohla
Business, Employment, Energy and Health Care
Donald Zimmer
Business, Employment, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Douglas Rosenbloom
Personal Injury and Products Liability
Dwight Davis
Antitrust, Business, Employment and Energy
Edmond O'Neill
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Ehren Kristopher Halse-Stumberg
Administrative, Antitrust, Business and Health Care
Eleanor Banister
Business, Employment, Energy and Health Care
Eleanor Hill
Administrative, Energy and Health Care
Elias Sayegh
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Ellen Ray
Administrative, Business and Communications
Eric Veech Smedley
Environmental and Personal Injury
Erin Wrenn
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Ethan Horwitz
Administrative, Energy and IP
Floyd Childs Newton III
Business, Health Care and Municipal
Frank Bayuk Jr
Health Care, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Frankie Denise Evans
Entertainment & Sports, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Franklin Peeples Brannen Jr
Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Gary Greco
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Gary Grindler
Business, Criminal, Energy and Family
George Alexander Panos
Animal, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Glen Reed
Business, Family and Health Care
Gregory O'Connell
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Gregory Smith
Business, Construction and Energy
Griffin Bell
Appeals and Arbitration & Mediation
Harry Ludwig
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Holmes Hawkins
Administrative, Business, Energy and IP
James Aaron Pardo Jr
Bankruptcy, Business and Energy
James Gorsline
Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
James J. Maher
Bankruptcy, Business, Environmental and Personal Injury
James Lokey
Business, Energy, Health Care and Securities
James Phalen
Business, Legal Malpractice and Medical Malpractice
James Spratt
Energy, Estate Planning and Tax
James Walton Boswell III
Business, Family and Health Care
Jameson Carroll
Health Care, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Jamie Allyson Lang
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Jamie Norris Stainback
Business and Energy
Jane Cohen
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Jason Mattox
Business, Environmental, Health Care and Personal Injury
Jeffrey David Kinsinger
Business, Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Jeffrey Harrington Perry
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Construction and Energy
Jeffrey Scott Cashdan
Antitrust, Appeals, Business and Health Care
Jeffrey Spigel
Antitrust, Communications, Energy and Health Care
Jennifer Bragg
Administrative and Health Care
Jill Jeanette Holley
Bankruptcy, Business, Energy and Environmental
John Barquin
Business, Construction, Energy and International
John Bottini
Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
John Bowman
Arbitration & Mediation and Energy
John Bray
Antitrust, Health Care, Legal Malpractice and Medical Malpractice
John Capers
Business, Communications, Energy and Health Care
John Franklin Isbell
Bankruptcy, Collections and Energy
John Patterson Brumbaugh
Appeals, Business, Consumer and Legal Malpractice
John Raymond Jones Jr
Business, Energy, Estate Planning and International
John Wallace
Business, Energy, Estate Planning and Tax
John William Hinchey
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Construction and Energy
John Wilson
Business, Energy and Securities
Jon Harris Jr
Business, Energy, Family and Health Care
Jonathan Lawrence Marsh
Appeals, Bankruptcy, Business and Construction
Jose L. Valera
Business, Energy and International
Joshua Kamin
Administrative, International and Real Estate
Juan Pablo Crespo
Business, Energy and International
Judy Deason
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Judy Tucker
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Julia Sorrentino
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Katherine Rhyne
Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
Kathryn Sue Hutton
Employment, Health Care, Immigration and International
Katrina Shantell Jones
Arbitration & Mediation, Environmental and Personal Injury
Kendall Hicks Lioon
Business and Energy
Kenneth Reisenfeld
Administrative, Arbitration & Mediation, Business and Energy
Kevin Dane Mohr
Antitrust, Arbitration & Mediation, Bankruptcy and Business
Kinshasa Kenya Williams
Family and Health Care
Kristi Hamlin McCarthy
Business, Energy and Environmental
Laura Caroline LaFleur
Business, Health Care, Municipal and Tax
Laura Snodgrass
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Lauren Suzanne Reeder
Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Les Zuke
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Lewis Jones
Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
Linda Parrish
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Lisa Jennifer Infield-Harm
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Lisa Sims
Administrative, Energy and IP
Lisa Smith
Business, Environmental, Health Care and Personal Injury
Lisa Suzanne Keyes
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Lora Greene
Business, Family and Health Care
Louisa Banks Childs
Health Care and Securities
Lovita Tandy
Appeals, Business, Employment and Health Care
Lyzette Monique Wallace
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Margrete Stevens
Arbitration & Mediation and Energy
Maria Luisa Escudero
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Mark Stone
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Mark Wasden
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Mason Stephenson
Business and Real Estate
Matthew Boyd
Administrative, Employment, Health Care and IP
Matthew Bozzelli
Business and Health Care
Matthew Dunne
Appeals, Arbitration & Mediation and IP
Matthew J. Blaschke
Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Megan Marie Michelsen
Business, Environmental, Health Care and Personal Injury
Meredith Prechter Young
Business, Health Care and International
Michael James Cates
Business and Securities
Michael Paulhus
Appeals, Business and Health Care
Michael Raeber
Arbitration & Mediation, Business and International
Michael Raymond Powers
Personal Injury and Products Liability
Michael Russ
Antitrust, Appeals, Business and Securities
Michael W. Youtt
Antitrust, Appeals, Arbitration & Mediation and Bankruptcy
Michael Weiss
Personal Injury and Products Liability
Michelle Leigh Carter
Bankruptcy and Energy
Monika Roth
Business, Energy and Real Estate
Nancy Beaulieu
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Nancy Collier Legros
Health Care and Social Security Disability
Natasha Horne Moffitt
Administrative, Appeals, Business and IP
Nolan Leake
Appeals, Business, Communications and Energy
Parul Kamdar
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Pat Glisson
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Patricia Barmeyer
Appeals, Energy, Environmental and Personal Injury
Patricia Maher
Business, Legal Malpractice and Medical Malpractice
Patricia Montemayor
Environmental and Personal Injury
Paul Allan Straus
Energy and Securities
Paul Murphy
Antitrust, Arbitration & Mediation, Business and Health Care
Penn Christopher Huston
Antitrust, Appeals, Arbitration & Mediation and Bankruptcy
Peter M. Oxman
Bankruptcy, Business, Energy and International
Peter Todaro
Antitrust, Communications, Energy and Health Care
Philip Holladay Jr
Appeals, Business, Health Care and Personal Injury
Phyllis Sumner
Antitrust, Appeals, Business and Health Care
Rahmah Abdulaleem
Health Care, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Randall James Butterfield
Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Ranse Murphy Partin
Business, Family, Health Care and Municipal
Raymond Edward Baltz Jr
Business and Energy
Raymond Witt
Business, Energy and International
Rebecca Woodings
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Regina Myers
Environmental, Health Care and Personal Injury
Richard Lutz
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Richard Milton Bange III
Business and Energy
Richard Schneider
Antitrust, Appeals, Business and Energy
Richard Thomas Marooney JR
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Energy and IP
Robert Benton Love
Arbitration & Mediation, Bankruptcy, Energy and International
Robert Culbertson Jr
Energy, International and Tax
Robert E. Meadows
Bankruptcy, Business, Energy and Environmental
Robert F. Perry
Administrative, Communications, Energy and IP
Robert Hays
Energy, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Robert Keenan III
Business, Employment, Family and Health Care
Robert Persons
Antitrust, Business, Employment and Energy
Robert Woodward
Business, Energy, International and Securities
Roberto Aguirre
Arbitration & Mediation and Energy
Rose Jones
Business, Environmental, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Russell Edward Blythe
Communications, Energy and IP
Russell Richards
Business, Energy and Health Care
Russell Ryan
Health Care and Securities
Russell Workman
Business, Energy and Securities
Ryan Joseph Szczepanik
Business and Communications
Samuel Matchett
Employment, Health Care and IP
Sara Kay Wheeler
Business, Family and Health Care
Sarah Borders
Bankruptcy, Energy and Health Care
Sarah Zagata Vasani
Arbitration & Mediation and Energy
Scott Allen Greer
Administrative, Construction, Energy and Real Estate
Scott Bolman Pfahl
Arbitration & Mediation, Business, Health Care and Personal Injury
Sebastian F. C. Kaufmann
Business, Energy, International and Real Estate
Shane Nichols
Administrative, Business, Energy and IP
Shannon Fulmer Cox
Administrative, Bankruptcy, Business and Health Care
Shannon Kasley
Antitrust, Business and Securities
Shaun Beheruz Sethna
Communications, Energy and IP
Spencer Johnson III
Antitrust, Business, Communications and IP
Stefanie J. Greer
Bankruptcy and Energy
Stephen Jones
Administrative and Energy
Stephen Schaetzel
Business, Energy and IP
Steve Jacobs
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Steven Wigmore
Administrative, Business and IP
Steven Winn
Environmental and Personal Injury
Steven de Groot
Business, Communications, Construction and Energy
Susan Canter Reisner
Employment, Energy and Health Care
Susan Harlocker
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Susan Jill Kolodkin
Business and Energy
Ted Kwang Kim
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Theodore Hester
Administrative, Energy, Environmental and Health Care
Thomas Charles Lundin Jr
Administrative, Appeals, Energy and IP
Thomas John Spulak
Administrative and Health Care
Tina Shaughnessy
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
Tizgel K S High
Business and Health Care
Todd Davis
Personal Injury and Products Liability
Tracie Jo Renfroe
Business, Energy, Environmental and Legal Malpractice
Valerie Sindoni Kovacs
Business and Energy
Virginia Miller McGuffey
Business and Energy
Walailux Nethin-Adcock
Environmental and Personal Injury
Warren Pope
Legal Malpractice and Medical Malpractice
Wilfried E. Witthuhn
Business, Energy, International and Real Estate
William Allen Musgrove
Business, Construction, Energy and International
William Arthur Fixel
Personal Injury and Products Liability
William Bates II
Business, Energy and Health Care
William Fryer
Real Estate and Securities
William Hoffmann
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
William Isaacs
Administrative, Energy and IP
William Lloyd Durham II
Appeals, Business, Personal Injury and Products Liability
William O'Connell
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
William Roche
Administrative, Business, Communications and Energy
Zachary Stump
Antitrust, Appeals, Bankruptcy and Business
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