Call (310) 208-6200 to see if you qualify for a consult with Dennis Brager, first 15 minutes FREE.
Mr. Brager is a California State Bar Certified Tax Specialist and a former Senior Trial Attorney for the Internal Revenue Service's Office of Chief Counsel. In addition to representing the IRS in the United States Tax Court, he advised the Service on complex civil and criminal tax issues.
Mr. Brager's attorney firm of 15 attorneys and support staff is based in West Los Angeles. He has been featured every year from 2008-2023 as a Super Lawyer in the field of Tax by Los Angeles Magazine. He has filed cases in the United States Tax Court on behalf of over 320 taxpayers.
Mr. Brager has limited his practice to representing clients having criminal and civil tax disputes with the IRS, the Franchise Tax Board, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (formerly the State Board of Equalization), and the Employment Development Department--both at trial and administrative levels.
He has been quoted as a tax expert by US News and World Report, Business Week, Fox News, CMDA, National Journal, Fox Business, Trusts & Estates, New York Daily News, Bloomberg Politics, the Daily Journal, The Daily Beast, USA Today, the Los Angeles Daily Journal, Tax Analyst, The Chicago Tribune, CNN Money, Bloomberg BNA, Cannabis Daily, Morning Star, Accounting Today, Sputnik, Tax Notes Today, Tech Times, and The National Law Journal.
He has appeared on ABC Television’s Good Morning America, and ABC 7’s Eyewitness News, Fox Business News, TV One Access, and radio stations KFGO, KGSN, KFNX’s A Call to Rights with Steven Kates, KFWB Money 101, and KABC’s The Larry Elder Show.
His articles have appeared in the California Lawyer, Marijuana Venture, Daily Journal, Taxation for Lawyers, Los Angeles Lawyer, The Consumer Advocate, Family Law News, California Tax Lawyer, Journal of Tax Practice and Procedure, Journal of Taxation of Investments, and Accounting Today.
- Certified Tax Specialist, The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization
- New York University
- J.D. | Law
- Pace University
- B.B.A.
- Honors: magna cum laude
- Tax Litigation Attorney
- Brager Tax Law Group
- - Current
- IRS Senior Trial Attorney
- Internal Revenue Service
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- Office of District Counsel, Los Angeles, California
- How Your Clients Can Lose Their Passports by Falling Behind on Their Taxes (and What to Do About It)
- Penalty Relief Available for Cash-Only Businesses
- Marijuana Venture
- IRS Tightens Inventory Rules for Marijuana Businesses
- Marijuana Venture
- Responding to Adverse IRS Audit Assessments: Audit Reconsideration Requests, IRS Appeals, Settlement Strategies, Responding to Adverse IRS Audit Assessments, Webinar
- Strafford Publications
- This course provided tax advisers and professionals with a discussion of IRS exam hotspots. It outlined practical strategies for responding to un-favorable IRS audit results, including requesting audit reconsiderations, navigating the IRS appeals process, and the litigation options available. The participants will advised how to adequately represent and negotiate with the IRS during an audit and through the reconsideration and appeal process.
- Employment Tax: Employee Retention Credits: “What’s Old Is New Again: IRS’s Renewed Focus on Employee Tax Compliance Issues, UCLA EXTENSION 38TH ANNUALTAX CONTROVERSY CONFERENCE, Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills, California
- UCLA Tax Institute
- Dennis Brager was requested to be the Moderator at the UCLA 38th Annual Tax Controversy Conference on a panel that discussed Employment Tax, specifically related to Employee Retention Credits
- Navigating the IRS Penalty Abatement Procedures for Foreign Information Reporting Noncompliance, Foreign Late Filing Notices: Effective Responses for Penalty Abatement, Webinar
- Strafford Publications
- This webinar examined the current state of IRS' responses to international taxpayers' requests for penalty relief for late filing of foreign information returns. Mr. Brager was invited to present as one of their astute panel of international tax experts who reviewed what constitutes reasonable cause, when first-time abatement applies, and offered insights for working with the IRS to eliminate or lessen the penalties frequently and automatically assessed to international taxpayers.
- Navigating the IRS Penalty Abatement Procedures for Foreign Information Reporting Noncompliance, Strafford, Webinar
- Strafford Publications
- The Tax Problems Caused by COVID-19 and the Best Practices to Handle Them, UCLA Tax Controversy Conference, Webinar
- Tax Specialist
- State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization
- Super Lawyer
- Los Angeles Magazine
- Dennis Brager has been awarded the Super Lawyer award every year from 2008 to 2021.
- California State Bar  # 81559
- Chair of Tax Litigation and Procedure Committee
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- Los Angeles County Bar Association
- Chair of the Tax Compliance, Procedure and Litigation Committee
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- California
- Central District of California
- 2nd Circuit
- 5th Circuit
- 9th Circuit
- 11th Circuit
- U.S. Supreme Court
- U.S. Tax Court
- United States Court of Claims
Free Consultation
Contact our office to see if you qualify for our free 15 minute consultation. - Credit Cards Accepted
- Tax Law
- Business Taxes, Criminal Tax Litigation, Income Taxes, International Taxes, Payroll Taxes, Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, Tax Appeals, Tax Audits
- English: Spoken, Written