Felix Shipkevich
Shipkevich, PLLCFelix is the founder of ZocLaw.com, and is also currently the managing partner of Shipkevich PLLC. He has years of experience working in the corporate environment and is a highly regarded participant in the legal space. Having a keen eye for identifying tendencies within the industry, Felix noticed the commonality between many current Bankruptcy firms. He recognized that modern firms dealing with bankruptcy are not taking full advantage of the latest technological tools suited for the industry. His philosophy is simple; combine Wall Street corporate structure and Silicon Valley innovation to create an optimal service for consumers. Felix is determined to remove the wall of obscurity between lawyers and clients. By removing the mystery involved with the bankruptcy process, a clearer, more transparent relationship can be formed. He is of the mindset that lawyers should provide clients with a clear-cut approach to bankruptcy based on their individual needs. As founder, he intends to offer tools typically reserved for large corporations to consumers in attempt to refine the bankruptcy process for the average consumer. Coming from an immigrant family of modest means, Felix was eagerly in search of that elusive American Dream. After completing his degree in Law, Felix hit the ground running in the corporate legal environment. He soon became the youngest general counsel for a Futures Commission Merchant. Becoming well versed in the corporate governance, compliance, regulatory, and collateral industry, he developed a knack for entrepreneurial law. His career in the corporate-legal environ net also manifested his advanced marketing ability and ideology. He has represented clients form multiple fortune 500 companies, and has traveled the globe in his efforts to adequately serve them. Aside from being an exemplary member of the corporate legal space in New York City, Felix is also a down-to-earth Brooklyn boy with a fun-loving side.
- Hofstra
- New York State Bar  # 4192423
- Member
- - Current
- New York
- Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Debt Relief
- Securities Law
- English: Spoken, Written
- English