John Kevin Cotter
43 years, mostly Calif. criminal defense, trials and appeals. Now: only appeals
BA, MA (History) - UCLA
JD - University of California, College of the Law (formerly named: "Hastings College of the Law"), San Francisco
Civil and criminal litigation, over 43 years.
2+ misspent years working for civil firms; year as a Committee Consultant for the State Assembly, California Legislature; 15+ years working for the Sacramento County Public Defender, self-employed the rest of the time.
Mostly criminal defense, trials and appeals ... 68 criminal jury trials, hundreds of criminal appeals. California and Federal (US District Courts, 9th Circuit, USSC).
I do criminal appeals and writs only these days; California only, no Federal cases.
Happily divorced (after 8 years of marriage) since 2016 ... freedom and sanity are WONDERFUL.
- Univ of California at Los Angeles
- Undergraduate Degree
- University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
- Law Degree
- California State Bar  # 88163
- Member
- - Current
- California
- State Bar of California
- ID Number: 88163
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals