Justin Heiferman
Justin Heiferman spent nearly 20 years managing complex financial audits and investigations, both as an attorney and as a banker, for noteworthy institutions including JP Morgan Chase, BDO Seidman and Credit Suisse First Boston. As a former Assistant District Attorney with the Nassau County District Attorney Economic Crimes Bureau, Justin prosecuted and managed numerous complex investigations including Identity Theft, Mortgage Fraud, Bank Fraud and various other larcenies and frauds, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies including FBI, Secret Service, USPIS, NY State Police, NYPD, and MTA. After the DA's office, Justin furthered his skills while practicing employment litigation for one of the largest labor and employment law firms in the US.
Recent successes:
Immigration: successfully obtained O Visa for Canadian Film Director who directed music videos for artists including Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Pharrell Williams and N.E.R.D. Obtained H-1B for NYU/Columbia MBA grads from China, as well as Film Producer from Norway.
Criminal: full dismissal of charges for a client accused of million-dollar eel theft, full dismissal of charges for multiple felony drug clients who successfully completed intensive rehabilitation programs, dismissal of all criminal charges for multiple clients arrested for cigarette trafficking, dismissal of all criminal charges for clients arrested for trademark counterfeiting, and more. Assisted multiple domestic violence clients and victims with court-monitored therapy programs, resulting in dismissal of criminal charges.
Employment: successfully defended film producer in obtaining dismissal of FLSA overtime and minimum wage lawsuit.
Justin is an active volunteer in the community. Justin was awarded a service star from the Children's Aid Society. Whether your legal issue is employment, business/contract, immigration, or criminal, the experienced team at Heiferman & Associates are prepared to assist you.
- St. John's University School of Law
- J.D. (2005)
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- Honors: Dean's List multiple semesters, Outstanding Achievement in Torts 2, Dean's Fellowship member
- Activities: Employment Law Club, Criminal Externship at Queens District Attorney's Office, Entertainment Law Club
- State University of New York - Albany
- B.S. (1994) | Mathematics
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- Economics Minor
- Honors: Dean's list multiple semesters
- Activities: City Park Volunteer
- State Bar of New York  # 4388971
- Member
- Current
- New Jersey
- New Jersey Courts
- ID Number: 016232-2005
- New York
- New York State Office of Court Administration
- ID Number: 4388971
- Employment Law
- Employee Benefits, Employment Contracts, Employment Discrimination, ERISA, Overtime & Unpaid Wages, Sexual Harassment, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination
- Immigration Law
- Asylum, Citizenship, Deportation Defense, Family Visas, Green Cards, Immigration Appeals, Investment Visas, Marriage & Fiancé(e) Visas, Student Visas, Visitor Visas, Work Visas
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
- English: Spoken, Written
- Mandarin: Spoken, Written