Patrick McKee

Patrick McKee

  • Education Law
  • Georgia
Claimed Lawyer Profile

Patrick W. McKee has been practicing law for over 35 years. He devotes a significant portion of his practice to representation of educators and educational institutes, including the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, for which he serves as general counsel. He received a B.A., magna cum laude with distinction in philosophy, from Georgia State University in 1973 and his J.D., with distinction as a member of the order of Coif, from Emory University in 1977. At Emory he served as a research editor of the Emory Law Journal. Since graduation from Emory, he served as assistant counsel to the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and Senior Assistant Attorney General of Georgia, representing the University System of Georgia and the State Board of Education. Mr. McKee has served in a number of capacities in various law-relation organizations, including Chairman of the School and College Law Section of the State Bar. He speaks and writes extensively on educational and governmental law issues throughout the country. At McKee & Mitchell, LLC, Mr. McKee continues to represent clients in commercial and employment litigation. He has expanded his practice to include estate administration, including probate litigation, an area to which he brings his significant experience in litigation from other areas of law.

Emory University
Law Degree
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Professional Associations
Georgia State Bar
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Practice Area
Education Law
Websites & Blogs
McKee & Mitchell, LLC
Contact & Map
19 Spring St
Newnan, GA 30263
Telephone: (770) 683-8900
Fax: (770) 683-8905