Rebecca Romero-Vigil

Rebecca Romero-Vigil

Law Office of Rebecca Romero-Vigil
  • Estate Planning, Tax Law
  • California
Claimed Lawyer ProfileSocial Media

Rebecca's undergraduate degree in Social Work carries forward in her caring and passionate attitude toward representing her clients in tax issues, including tax levies, offer in compromise. Her practice includes preparing trust plans (trust, pour over will, health care directive, and power of attorney) for her clients and assisting clients selecting and forming their business entity (S Corp, C Corp, LLC or LLP). Rebecca is determined to get the best result for her client.

Prepare today, for peace of mind in the future.

Golden Gate University School of Law
LL.M. | Tax and Trusts and Estate
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Golden Gate University School of Law
J.D. | Law
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Professional Experience
Law Office of Rebecca Romero-Vigil
- Current
Contract Attorney
Tuttle & Van Konynenburg, LLP
Litigation Secretary
Various Law Firms
State of California
Professional Associations
Bar Association of San Francisco
Executive Committee of the Taxation Section
- Current
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Low Fee Panel/BASF
- Current
Activities: Providing legal services to taxpayers regarding their tax issues who do not qualify for pro bono services, but are offered a low fee alternative to a full price representation.
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Low Income Taxpayer Clinic/BASF
Volunteer Attorney
- Current
Activities: Providing pro bono legal representation for taxpayers regarding their tax issues who cannot otherwise afford legal representation.
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State Bar of Califiornia
- Current
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American Bar Association
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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U.S. District Court of Califoria, Northern District
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U.S. Tax Court
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Practice Areas
Estate Planning
Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills
Tax Law
Business Taxes, Criminal Tax Litigation, Estate Tax Planning, Income Taxes, International Taxes, Payroll Taxes, Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, Tax Appeals, Tax Audits, Tax Planning
  • Spanish: Written
Websites & Blogs
Contact & Map
Law Office of Rebecca Romero-Vigil
101 California St., Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415) 624-7211
Fax: (925) 882-3432
Concord, California
Concord California
Concord, CA 94521
Telephone: +415 (624) 7211