Robert Ted Parker
Parker Law FirmTed Parker is a business trial lawyer with extensive experience in a broad range of industries: securities, IP and e-commerce, construction, products liability, agriculture and food products, film and publishing. After graduation from Cornell Law School, he began practice in business law at Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in San Francisco. He was the first corporate counsel at ITEL Corporation. More recently, he has practiced as a large-firm partner (K&L Gates) and a small-firm partner (Berg & Parker), and now operates a "virtual" law firm, collaborating with colleagues electronically. He has handled major litigation nationally and internationally, including as lead defense counsel in the Charles Keating/Lincoln Savings class action. Mr. Parker's client (a French bank) was the only defendant to emerge with no liability after a four-month trial that reached a $3 billion jury verdict. It was then the second-largest jury verdict in U.S. history. His construction law practice, for owners, engineers and contractors in the U.S. and abroad, has involved offshore facilities, bridge and tunnel construction, and airport and large building construction. He defended a Chicago River flood-control tunnel constructor, an LNG tanker unloading facility contractor in Mexico, and a specialty subcontractor in the collapse of an ocean-spanning cantilever bridge in Palau. Mr. Parker’s agriculture and food-production practice has involved large-scale growing and distribution of organic or nonorganic produce, including tomatoes, sugar, winery grapes and lettuce in varied growing areas in the U.S. and abroad. He handles crop loss cases in state courts and compliance issues under the USDA'S National Organic Program. Mr. Parker also represents international business interests in United States federal courts. For foreign clientele, he has handled cases in banking, securities, computer technology, trademarks, trade secrets and agriculture. He successfully argued the landma
- Cornell University
- J.D. (1969) | Law
- Honors: Editor, Cornell Law Review; Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Society
- Equity Partner
- K&L Gates LLP
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- Described on Website: http://tedparkerlaw.com
- Equity Partner
- Berg & Parker LLP
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- Firm merged into Preston, Gates & Ellis LLP
- Chap. 26: "Class Actions Involving Foreign Parties," in A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions
- American Bar Association
- West Publishing Co. Prize in Constitutional Law
- Cornell Law School
- Diablo Symphony Association
- Member, Board of Directors
- Current
- Bar Association of San Francisco
- Current
- American Bar Association
- Current
- Golden Gate University School of Law
- Adjunct Professor
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- Activities: Taught courses in E-Commerce Law and Commercial Law
- Appalachian School of Law
- Visiting Professor
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- Activities: Taught courses in Conflict of Laws and Commercial Law: Payment Systems.
- California
- 2nd Circuit
- 9th Circuit
- Federal Circuit
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Business Law
- Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Finance, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
- Intellectual Property
- Agricultural Law
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Entertainment & Sports Law
- Products Liability
- Drugs & Medical Devices, Motor Vehicle Defects, Toxic Torts
- Construction Law
- Construction Contracts, Construction Defects, Construction Liens, Construction Litigation
- French: Spoken, Written
- Spanish: Spoken, Written