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Russell Pietryga
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
- Thomas M. Cooley Law School
- Eastern Michigan University
- Public Law and Government
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Professional Associations
- Utah State Bar  # 08428
- Member
- Current
- Utah Criminal Defense Associtation
- Member
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Utah
- Free Consultation
- Credit Cards Accepted
Practice Areas
- Appeals & Appellate
- Civil Appeals, Federal Appeals
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Juvenile Law
- Traffic Tickets
- Suspended License
Additional Practice Area
- Constitutional Law
- English: Spoken, Written
Legal Answers
- Q. Is it legal for a 16 and 21 year old to date in Utah?
- A: Utah Code 76-5-401.2 prohibits a person person from having any sexual conduct with a minor if, the person is 10 or more years older than the minor. The 21 year old is less than 10 years older than you. So, as long as, the sexual conduct is consensual the 21 year old cannot get charged with a crime. Hope this helps.
- Q. How much time in prison, per charge, would someone get for sexual exploitation of a minor?
- A: Sexual exploitation of a minor (Utah Code 76-5b-201)
Degree-2nd Degree Felony
Elements-A defendant commits sexual exploitation of a minor: when they: knowingly produce , possess, or possess with intent to distribute child pornography ; or intentionally distribute or view child pornography; or if the defendant is a minor’s parent or legal guardian and they knowingly consent to or permit the minor to be sexually exploited.
Fine-2nd degree felony: A fine not to exceed $10,000 , plus a 90% surcharge.
Restitution-The court may require the convicted person to pay restitution.
Imprisonment-2nd degree felony: A term of imprisonment not less than 1 year nor more than 15 years.
Sexual Offender Registration-Lifetime ... Read More
- Q. In utah is "theft" a felony or a misdemeanor? what is the law code?
- A: Theft(Utah Code 76-6-404)
Degree- Depending on the facts, theft can be charged as a 2nd degree felony, 3rd degree felony, class A misdemeanor or class B misdemeanor.
Elements-A defendant commits a 2nd degree felony theft when they obtain or exercise unauthorized control over the property of another with the purpose to deprive them thereof and the value of the property or services stolen is or exceeds $5,000; property stolen is a firearm or an operable motor vehicle; the defendant was armed with a dangerous weapon at the time of the theft; or the property is stolen from the person of another.
A defendant commits a 3rd degree felony theft when they obtain or exercise unauthorized control ... Read More
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