Suanne Honey
Law Offices of Suanne I. HoneyPracticing law continuously for 26 years. Current primary area of practice is in the area of family law [Dissolution of marriage (divorce), paternity actions, child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), domestic violence, division of assets and debts, pre-marital agreements (pre-nups), modification of child support and spousal support among other issues. Eligible for appointment as minor’s counsel for the Orange County Superior Courts and Los Angeles Superior Courts]. Education: California State University of California at Fullerton Western State College of Law (graduated with honors) Licensing: State Bar of California admitted as an attorney in 1990 Certified Specialist in Family Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization Associations: State Bar of California – Family Law Section Orange County Bar Association – Family Law Section Los Angeles County Bar Association – Family Law Section Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County (CDSOC) International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) Association of Family Law Certified Specialists (ACFLS) Orange County Association of Family Law Specialists Have provided pro bono advice with clients of Human Options (domestic violence) Admitted to Practice: Before all the State Courts in the State of California Federal Court: The Ninth Circuit of Appeals and The Central District of California Certifications: Certified Mediator Collaborative Divorce Team Training Areas of Practice include: Collaborative Law regarding Family Law Issues Mediation Divorce legally known as “Dissolution of Marriage” Setting and modifying alimony legally known as “Spousal Support” Custody (Setting and modifying) Visitation (better phrased secondary custodial time – visitation is offensive) Divisions of Assets Divisions of Debts Attorney fee issues Paternity Domestic Violence
- Western State Univ
- Law Degree
- California State Bar  # 146647
- Member
- - Current
- California
- Free Consultation
Credit Cards Accepted
Visa and MasterCard only
- Divorce
- Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce