Edward Janzekovich
Ed is an attorney as well as a retired East Brunswick Police Lieutenant with 23 years of service, NJ has over 40,000 licensed attorneys that can represent you for a DWI charge, but few possess his background. He was trained in Proper Police Procedure. He was certified by the New Jersey State Police to operate the Alcotest, the breath machine you blew into, and conduct field sobriety tests, including the exact tests you were required to perform on the side of the road. Knowing what circumstances may have effected test results is critical, and even a slightly contaminated test result may be cause to drop a DWI charge to a lower offense, or dismissed completely. He has real life experience of actually writing Driving While Intoxicated reports and more than 13 years experience of being the supervisor responsible for training new officers in DWI identification & apprehension, report writing, courtroom testimony; as well as reviewing for errors and approving other officer's DWI reports. He is in an excellent position to consult with you on the issues involved in your case. He has a keen eye to evaluate what is needed in a properly written drunk driving report, and more importantly, to detect missing critical information that is required for the prosecutor to achieve a conviction for DWI. While with the police department, Ed was the State President, State Delegate and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee for the department unions. The coupled experience and training he possess as both a law enforcement officer and an attorney places Ed is in a truly unique position to evaluate your situation with a special insight seldom found in an attorney. Let Ed use his special insight to evaluate your particular facts and circumstance to build a defense to your DWI charge.
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