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Gary Churak

Gary Churak

Providing experienced and quality criminal defense for the accused for over 33 y
  • Criminal Law, DUI & DWI, Domestic Violence ...
  • Texas
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Attorney GARY F. CHURAK has been providing quality legal representation on criminal matters including but not limited to DWI, domestic violence, theft, drug possession, sex crimes and assaults since 1982. The Law Offices of GARY F. CHURAK is a small firm offering personal attention to each and every client's case. Attorney GARY CHURAK understands that being charged with a criminal offense is stressful not only for the client but also for the family. He is there to offer his experience and knowledge of the law to assist the client through this trying time. Attorney GARY CHURAK has received numerous awards as a criminal defense attorney including THE NATIONAL TOP 100 TRIAL LAWYERS, THE NATIONS TOP ONE PERCENT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISTINGUISHED COUNSEL AND 10 BEST TEXAS DUI/DWI ATTORNEYS FROM THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF DUI/DWI ATTORNEYS .

St. Mary's University
Doctor of Jurisprudence/Juris Doctor (J.D.)
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Ohio University
B.A. (1979) | HISTORY
Honors: graduated Cum Laude
Ohio University Logo
Professional Experience
Managing Attorney
Law Offices of Gary F. Churak P.C.
- Current
associate attorney
Law Offices of ToM Joseph P.C.
Top 100 Trial Lawyers
National Trial Lawyers
Nation's Top One Percent Award
National Association of Distinguished Counsel
BV very Good rating
Martindale Hubble
10 Best Attorneys for Texas
American Institute of DUI/DWI Attorneys
Professional Associations
American Bar Assocaition
- Current
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National Association of DWI attorneys
- Current
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Texas State Bar  # 04245500
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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5th Circuit
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United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
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  • Free Consultation
  • Credit Cards Accepted
Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
White Collar Crime
Juvenile Law
  • English
Websites & Blogs

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(212) 256-9395

DWI defense lawyer Gary Churak provides an effective method that people can use to fight against a DWI charge... What Is The Best Method To Defend Against A DWI Charge In San Antonio, TX? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (212) 256-9395 DWI defense lawyer Gary Churak provides an effective method that people can use to fight against a DWI charge...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(212) 256-9395

Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak provides two scenarios where a person should immediately contact a lawyer after he/she has... When Should I Contact An Attorney After Being Charged With Domestic Violence? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (212) 256-9395 Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak provides two scenarios where a person should immediately contact a lawyer after he/she has...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(212) 256-9395

Texas based criminal defense lawyer Gary Churak explains how the protective order in domestic violence case can be modified... Can The Protective Order In A Domestic Violence Case Be Modified By A Judge? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (212) 256-9395 Texas based criminal defense lawyer Gary Churak explains how the protective order in domestic violence case can be modified...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(212) 256-9395

Texas based criminal defense attorney Gary Churak highlights the typical scenario of a domestic violence case that he has... What Is The Typical Scenario Of A Domestic Violence Arrest In San Antonio, Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (212) 256-9395 Texas based criminal defense attorney Gary Churak highlights the typical scenario of a domestic violence case that he has...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(212) 256-9395

Texas based criminal defense attorney Gary Churak highlights the typical scenario of a domestic violence case that he has... What Is The Typical Scenario Of A Domestic Violence Arrest In San Antonio, Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (212) 256-9395 Texas based criminal defense attorney Gary Churak highlights the typical scenario of a domestic violence case that he has...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak discusses about marijuana convictions remaining permanent on criminal records. He also highlights what kinds... Can Marijuana Convictions Be Removed From Criminal Records After Several Years? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak discusses about marijuana convictions remaining permanent on criminal records. He also highlights what kinds...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

San Antonio, Texas criminal defense attorney Gary Churak talks about false accusations being treated as sex crimes as typical... Are There Incidents Where False Accusations Have Been Prosecuted As Sex Crimes? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 San Antonio, Texas criminal defense attorney Gary Churak talks about false accusations being treated as sex crimes as typical...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX explains that sex crime charges depend on where the investigation... In Child Pornography Offenses, What Are People Charged With In San Antonio, TX? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX explains that sex crime charges depend on where the investigation...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Watch as criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX explains that there are two types of registrations... In Texas, What Is The Process Of A Sex Offender Registry For A Sex Crime? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Watch as criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX explains that there are two types of registrations...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX brings up the fact that the internet is being used... Is Solicitation A Typical Scenario In Sex Crimes In San Antonio, TX? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, TX brings up the fact that the internet is being used...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

San Antonio, Texas criminal defense attorney Gary Churak describes the situation where an allegation of a sex crime has... What Are Possible Defenses Available For People Falsely Accused Of A Sex Crime? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 San Antonio, Texas criminal defense attorney Gary Churak describes the situation where an allegation of a sex crime has...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Watch as criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, Texas explains that the penalties for child pornography possession... What Are The Penalties For Child Pornography Possession In San Antonio, TX? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Watch as criminal defense attorney Gary Churak in San Antonio, Texas explains that the penalties for child pornography possession...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Gary Churak, criminal defense attorney in San Antonio, TX explains that people charged with sex crimes are unable to... What Impact Do Sex Offender Registries Have On People Charged With Sex Crimes? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Gary Churak, criminal defense attorney in San Antonio, TX explains that people charged with sex crimes are unable to...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney highlights the issue that there are not many cases like this. If a... Are There Any Possession Of Drug Charges Attached With DWI Charges In Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney highlights the issue that there are not many cases like this. If a...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak clarifies that the deferred adjudication is a type of probation. When there is... How Does Deferred Adjudication Work In Drug Cases In San Antonio, Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak clarifies that the deferred adjudication is a type of probation. When there is...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

In this video Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney clarifies illegal Search, Seizure and Illegal Warrants. Since the Fourth... What Are The Laws Regarding Illegal Search, Seizure And Warrants In San Antonio? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 In this video Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney clarifies illegal Search, Seizure and Illegal Warrants. Since the Fourth...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak explains that if you are charged with possession of drugs, even of small... What Happens When A Professional Is Charged With Possession Of Drugs In Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak explains that if you are charged with possession of drugs, even of small...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak states that it depends on the county you’re in. Arraignments are basically a... What Happens During The Initial Arraignment In A Drug Possession Case In Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Texas Criminal Defense Attorney, Garry Churak states that it depends on the county you’re in. Arraignments are basically a...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

A possession of drug charge can originate even from a small amount of remained drug in your car as... What Is The Amount Of Drug That Leads A Charge Of Possession To Intent To Sell?| (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 A possession of drug charge can originate even from a small amount of remained drug in your car as...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney clarifies that if a case is dismissed, it does not completely disappear, the... Is A Dismissed Case Completely Removed Off Someone’s Record In San Antonio, Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney clarifies that if a case is dismissed, it does not completely disappear, the...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

In the video Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney talks about different options. First option is probation in which... What Are The Options For Drug Offenders Other Than Rehabilitation Programs In TX? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 In the video Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney talks about different options. First option is probation in which...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney often time handles high school student drug cases while a parent pays the... Does Attorney Gary Churak Work With The Parents Of The Minors Facing Drug Charges? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney often time handles high school student drug cases while a parent pays the...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney often time handles high school student drug cases while a parent pays the... Does Attorney Gary Churak Work With The Parents Of The Minors Facing Drug Charges? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Garry Churak, Texas Criminal Defense Attorney often time handles high school student drug cases while a parent pays the...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Watch attorney Gary Churak as he explains what will be the impact of a having a theft conviction on... Consequences Of Having A Theft Charge On Your Record In Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Watch attorney Gary Churak as he explains what will be the impact of a having a theft conviction on...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Have you been caught shoplifting in any retail outlet in Texas? Watch attorney Gary Churak as he explains what... What Happens If You Are Caught Shoplifting In Texas? | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Have you been caught shoplifting in any retail outlet in Texas? Watch attorney Gary Churak as he explains what...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Need Information on refusal of Breathalyzer in Texas? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak reveals the pros and cons associated... Refusing To Undergo A Breathalyzer Test In Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Need Information on refusal of Breathalyzer in Texas? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak reveals the pros and cons associated...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Need Information on alternative resolutions to your DUI case? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak explains the various alternative resolutions... Options Besides A DUI Conviction In Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Need Information on alternative resolutions to your DUI case? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak explains the various alternative resolutions...

Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.
14310 Northbrook Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78232
(210) 802-5044

Need to win your DUI Case but don't know how? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak reveals the methodology and... Winning A DUI Case In Texas | (210) 802-5044 Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C. 14310 Northbrook Drive #210 San Antonio, Texas 78232 (210) 802-5044 Need to win your DUI Case but don't know how? DUI Defense Attorney Gary Churak reveals the methodology and...

White Collar Crimes

Professional. Proactive. Prepared.   Proactive lawyer helping clients arrested or accused of DUI, DWI, drug possession, theft and sex crimes in San Antonio.  Founded in... San Antonio Criminal Attorneys - DUI Lawyers - Law Offices of Gary Churak, P.C.

Professional. Proactive. Prepared. Proactive lawyer helping clients arrested or accused of DUI, DWI, drug possession, theft and sex crimes in San Antonio. Founded in...

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14310 Northbrook Dr #210
San Antonio, TX 78232
Telephone: (210) 545-3850
Fax: (210) 491-4446