Jordan M. Copeland

Jordan M. Copeland

Jordan M. Copeland Law, PLLC
  • Criminal Law
  • Alabama
Claimed Lawyer Profile

Jordan M. Copeland Law, PLLC
Law Offices: Foley, AL (Baldwin Co.) and Childersburg, AL (Talladega Co.)
Phones: (251) 545-3637 and (205) 924-3839

Attorney, Jordan M. Copeland Alabama Expungement and Criminal Defense Lawyer in Foley, Alabama is committed to representing you in seeking to obtain an Expungement of your eligible criminal record by the Alabama Circuit Courts. Focusing on Expungements throughout Alabama and criminal defense in Foley, Orange Beach, and Gulf Shores, Alabama Courts.

Alabama Expungement Lawyer, Jordan M. Copeland is an experienced Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyer with years of experience in Alabama Criminal Courts. Attorney, Jordan M. Copeland has obtained a hundreds of combined: dismissals, non-conviction dispositions, and not-guilty verdicts for his clients in the Alabama Criminal Justice system since 2007.

Our Alabama Expungement law firm has represented clients in the petition for the expungement process in Alabama since the first Alabama Expungement Law was passed in 2014. Our law firm represents clients in petitions for expungement in every county in Alabama. We will put our experience in the Alabama criminal court system to work for you to aggressively pursue obtaining an expungement of your Alabama arrest record if you qualify.

"Don't let your past arrest handcuff your future career." - Jordan M. Copeland, Alabama Expungement Lawyer.

University of Alabama - Birmingham
University of Alabama - Birmingham Logo
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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  • Credit Cards Accepted
Practice Area
Criminal Law
Additional Practice Areas
  • Foley, Alabama Criminal Defense
  • Expungement Petition Process Alabama
  • Inaccurate Alabama Criminal History Reports
  • Pardon Process Representation
  • Alabama Gun Rights Restoration
  • Termite Damage Law
Websites & Blogs
Alabama Expungement Lawyer
Orange Beach Criminal Defense & Expungement Lawyer
Contact & Map
Orange Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer
Jordan M. Copeland, Attorney at Law
316 South McKenzie Street
Suite 127
Foley, AL 36535
Telephone: (251) 545-3637
Alabama Expungement Lawyer
33300 Highway 280, Suite 103
Childersburg, AL 35044
Telephone: (205) 924-3839