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Kathryn U. Tokarska

Kathryn U. Tokarska

  • Bankruptcy, Consumer Law
  • California
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&ASocial Media

San Diego Bankruptcy Attorney representing debtors in Chapter 7 & Chapter 13 Bankruptcy proceedings.

Free consultations includes an analysis of the individual's situation in order to explore options such as credit consolidation, debt settlement, bankruptcy to determine best route toward managing financial obligations.

Chapter 7, known as liquidation, provides discharge to honest debtors relief in about 90 days.

Chapter 13, know as a restructuring, allows debtors to catch up on past due payments, prevent foreclosures, repossessions, stripping of unsecured second mortgages attached to primary residence of the debtor.

This firm is a Federal Debt Relief Agency. We help individuals and businesses file for bankruptcy protectin under the federal bankrutpcy code.

Eckerd Coll
Undergraduate Degree
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California Western School of Law
Law Degree
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Professional Experience
Tokarska Law Center
- Current
Consumer and Small Business Bankruptcy Attorney
Articles & Publications
Legal Questions and Answers
Speaking Engagements
Bankrutpcy Attorney,
Financial ParaPlanner
Financial ParaPlanner
Certificate of Appreciation
Center for Community Solutions
The Wiley W. Manuel Award for Pro Bono Legal Services
The Board of Governors of State Bar of California
Professional Associations
American Bankruptcy Institute
- Current
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National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Current
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San Diego Bankruptcy Forum
- Current
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California State Bar  # 243163
- Current
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San Diego Bar Association
- Current
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San Diego Lawyer Referral Program
Bankruptcy Attorney Member
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San Diego Women's Network
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Lawyers Club
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Legal Aid Society of San Diego
Volunteer Attorney
Activities: Taxation Clinic
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South Bay Courthouse Clinic
Volunteer Attorney
Activities: Unlawful detainers & Restraining Orders
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San Diego Volunteer Lawyer
Volunteer Attorney
Activities: Madge Bradley Courthouse clinic
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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9th Circuit
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  • Free Consultation
    1 hour initial free confidential consultations. Flat quoted fee.
  • Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
    Typical chapter 7 case runs $1,500. Chapter 13 runs $3,900. Fees are based on complexity of the case and therefore attorney reserves the right to quote a fee after initial consultation.
Practice Areas
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Debt Relief
Consumer Law
Class Action, Lemon Law
  • English: Spoken, Written
  • Polish: Spoken, Written
Legal Answers
Q. Can my ex-spouse get a judgment for mortgage payments that were previously discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
A: This is a confusing question. What came first, the debt or your bankruptcy discharge? If the debt was acquired post petition, after you filed for bankruptcy then it was not part of the discharge received in your previously filed case. If the debt was incurred prior to the filing of the bankruptcy then the question is whether this debt was dischargeable. Certain debts are not dischargeable, like support obligations. Also some people get into trouble if for example under a divorce settlement agreement or a divorce order the debts are split up certain way and then instead of paying that debt as per court order they file bankruptcy to discharge the debt and this somehow hurts the ex-spouse. I'm not a Colorado attorney. I would encourage you to contact a local attorney, explain your situation, let them ask you follow up questions to get to the bottom of this. Good luck. ... Read More
Q. Can the state garnish my wages after I file bankruptcy
A: The answer will depend. When you file your bankrupcy automatic stay goes into effect and no creditor can collect from you. If they do, you can recover the money. However, the question is what type of debt is this? Is this debt dischargeable in bankruptcy? If yes, then it will be discharged and that will be the end of that. If it is not dischargeable, then depending which chapter of bankruptcy you file will yield different result. In chapter 7, after the case closes, approximately 90 days non-dischargeable debt can resume collection efforts. In a chapter 13, you would propose to repay the debt through the chapter 13 plan that last 3-5 years. What chapter is appropriate and whether filing bankruptcy makes sense is a question you will want to pose in a consultation with an attorney who can evaluate your complete financial picture, determine if you qualify for discharge, and whether this particular debt subject of the garnishment is also dischargeable. Good luck. ... Read More
Q. I can no longer afford my chapter 13 payments nor my attorney. What are the repercussions if my case is dismissed?
A: Not sure why you cannot afford your attorney. Your attorney is obligated to provide you with representation for the duration of your chapter 13. He/she cannot take any money from you after the case is filed. He/she is compensated out of the plan. Check your Righs and Responsibilities form, signed and filed with your petition. Dismissal can have a variety of results depending on the specifics of your case. At minimum he/she should explain these to you since they know your case.
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San Diego Bankruptcy Lawyer Kathryn Tokarska
Contact & Map
185 West F Street
Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 285-1992