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Kathy A Biehl

  • New Jersey, Texas
Claimed Lawyer ProfileSocial Media
University of Texas - Austin
J.D (1979) | Law
Honors: Texas Law Review, Order of the Coif
Activities: law review, TQ for Prof. Edward Sherman, intramural softball, clerked for Stayton, Maloney, Hearne & Babb and Joseph & Rider. Summer clerkships at Schlanger, Cook, Cohn, Mills & Grossberg (Houston) and Hogan & Hartson (DC)
University of Texas - Austin Logo
Southern Methodist University
B.A | German language and literature
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, Alpha Lambda Delta, awards for German, Russian and highest GPA, three-year degree program
Activities: Russian Club, University Council, worked for Teacher Preparation Program and Associate Dean of School of Humanities & Sciences
Southern Methodist University Logo
Professional Experience
Wrote Research Roundups on a variety of law-related Internet resources; reviewed sites and research applications; wrote After Hours columns on food and entertainment
Glasser LegalWorks
Covered Web resources by practice or management area.
Pro2Net (now SmartPros)
Contributed articles on law-related resources for accounting and finance professionals
Adjunct Professor in Legal Writing
University of Houston Law Center
Lecturer in Political Science
Rice University
Taught business law.
Articles & Publications
Research Roundup - Business Filings Databases
Bloggers Beware: Debunking Nine Copyright Myths of the Online World
Introduction to Online Legal, Regulatory & Intellectual Property Research
Thomson/ South-Western
The Lawyer's Guide to Internet Research
Scarecrow Press
Professional Associations
Federal District Court of New Jersey
Admitted to practice
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Southern District of Texas
Admitted to practice
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Supreme Court of New Jersey
Admitted to Practice
- Current
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State Bar of Texas  # 000832004
- Current
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Houston Bar Association AIDS referral service
volunteer attorney
Activities: Pro bono wills and powers of attorney for PWAs. I started in the mid-1980s when the ACLU sponsored the service and continued after the HBA took it over.
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Texas Accountants & Lawyers for the Arts
volunteer attorney
Activities: Pro bono representation of non-profit arts groups (formation and contract issues). Frequent speaker on consignment contracts, query letters and book publishing contracts
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
New Jersey
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  • German: Spoken, Written
Social Media
Websites & Blogs
Outside the Lines
Contact & Map
P.O. Box 184
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
Telephone: (862) 209-0363
Telephone: (862) 209-0363