Robin W Trickler
Sooner or later, most landlords find that they need to evict a tenant. The process can be confusing and can get expensive if not done correctly. I am here to help! I offer reasonable rates and will handle the process from start to finish. My practice is entirely dedicated and immersed exclusively in helping landlords with their tenant matters. From evictions to protecting and improving the rights of the landlords through my legislative work as the longest serving president of the state’s oldest landlord support and advocacy group, Washington Rental Owners Association, formerly known as Washington Apartment Association. I, with the lobby team we employ, have drafted and passed bills to help landlords as well as fighting and defeating those that would harm our industry. I have drafted and helped develop forms for landlords, now widely in use in the industry and well as regularly speaking and educating landlords in a variety of venues such as the Trends Northwest Trade Show, to which I spent 2015 as that boards president. On a personal note I got here the hard way. A proud veteran of the Marine Corps I still take pride in giving back by representing our military service men and women today. I put myself through undergraduate school and law school while working in the high-tech industry in leadership positions and raising my three children as a single father. The result is the highest level of integrity and can do attitude which are not just slogans but who I am. I respect and appreciate my clients and, as a landlord myself, I understand the difficulties and frustrations they bring to me for help at a personal level. I am not a family law or general practice attorney just checking another box to make more money. Representing landlords is my professional and personal world.
- Seattle University School of Law
- J.D. (2005)
- University of Colorado - Boulder
- B.A. (1999) | Anthropology
- Anatomy of an Unlawful Detainer Lawsuit, Trends Northwest, Seattle Convention Center
- Washington Rental Owners Association
- I have spoken annually at the trends conference for several years
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Washington Rental Owners Association
- Washington State Bar  # 37125
- Member
- Current
- Trends Northwest
- Board Member and President for 2015
- - Current
- Activities: Board member duties for the landlord convention
- Washinton Rental Owners Association
- President
- - Current
- Activities: drafting and advocating for pro landlord legislation and against the inverse. Drafting forms and developing best practices for landlords and educating on the same
- Washington
- Landlord Tenant
- Evictions, Housing Discrimination, Landlord Rights, Rent Control, Tenants' Rights
- English