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Thomas Tripp

Thomas Tripp

  • Criminal Law, DUI & DWI, Elder Law ...
  • Florida
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
University of Florida
J.D. | Law School
University of Florida Logo
University of Florida
University of Florida Logo
Professional Associations
Clearwater Bar Association
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St. Petersburg Bar Association
- Current
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Florida State Bar  # 377597
- Current
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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  • Free Consultation
  • Credit Cards Accepted
Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Elder Law
Estate Planning
Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills
Probate Administration, Probate Litigation, Will Contests
Traffic Tickets
Suspended License
Legal Answers
Q. What is the process for obtaining power of attorney?
A: Most of my clients are looking for a durable power of attorney as an advanced directive to enable them to pick who would Handle their financial affairs in the event they are unable to. These are usually discussed along with a health care surrogate document and a living will. Any lawyer that does estate planning or elder law as a practice will have a decent set of documents for you. Many offer a free consultation which should include discussing a will and or trust.
Q. Special verbiage for a CA will/trust if my dad has Florida property only in his name but is intended for me (daughter)?
A: Typically, the California lawyer would draft the trust, and you would get a Florida attorney to create a deed to put the property in the trust. The out of state lawyer would have you get an in state lawyer to handle that part.
Q. Mother died. Father survives. Her will left everything to him. All assets are joint. Is probate necessary/required?
A: If all assets with husband and wife are joint at the time of one of their deaths will usually call that a non Probate event - There are no assets that need to go anywhere.

You might want to speak with your mother’s lawyer just to make sure
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Contact & Map
4930 Park Boulevard
Suite 12
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Telephone: (727) 544-8819
Telephone: (727) 544-8819